Friday, July 30, 2010

30 July Weather Forecast: RAINY no STORM!!

Friday, 30 July 2010

It was 545am in the morning. Ms Lim came in to wake us up. Yeah, I was still tired because of accumulated fatigue from choir rehearsal. When I woke up, I was shocked as I could hardly speak. My throat is so painful that I almost could not make slightest noise.

This was not important actually. Here is the main thing. Annual Cross Country in West Coast was scheduled today. I went there around 7am with all my hall-mates by bus. After arriving at West Coast, we could see a bunch of dark clouds hanging there in the sky. At first, we did not really care about it. However, as time passed by, the clouds moved towards West Coast and stopped above us.

And TATA!! *sound effect* it started to rain. Drizzle turned to heavy downpour. The wind was very strong. All students and teachers tried to find concrete ground and good shelter. Apparently, tents provided by the school were not enough. The water started to invade us, making West Coast grand lawn flooded almost like Orchard Road one lol. I got drenched quite badly while making my way to West Coast McDonald. In there, it was damn crowded. Everyone started pushing each other. I did not what to do, my mind was like blank. I want to 'thank' my friends for ditching me in West Coast. If i did not meet Alvin, surely I would still be in West Coast, clueless. Alvin and I went back together, without umbrellas or cover or anything. Our shoes soaked damn badly, we both might catch cold, we got headache and sure, we lost our voice. Good, FOA was just about less than 50 hours.

Hence, it is justified to say that today's Annual Cross Country event was the most epic failed ever.

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