Friday, July 16, 2010



I got back my Common Test result this morning. I have prepared for the worst. I could even utter a word nor cry when I saw my result. Yes, I am deeply disappointed with my result. This is my worst result ever (so far) and this is truly shocking. The bad result is not because the paper was hard. Some of my friends got very good result like 39 and even, 42! AND, this feeling came - regret. It haunted me wherever I was, blamed everything that led me to this poor result. I started to regret how I did not manage my time wisely during holiday, how I never listened to my mother's advice (to study hard and not to procrastinate) and how ignorant I am not to take Common Test seriously. However, it's all too late to regret something that has happened. My mom also has told me just now that it was too late to regret something in the past. She was upset, I can clearly tell from her voice. I felt damn bad as I can't make my mom happy. She scolded me for not being serious and never listened to her advices.

Now, I can just move on, prove myself (to my parents and to the world, yeah!) that I can do better next time. I MUST DO BETTER in upcoming Final Exam!! I only have around 11 more weeks to prepare the final exam. I can't afford any laziness, procrastination, carelessness or whatever. Die Die must get good marks for the final exam. I don't want to disappoint my mom anymore. I am done with nonsenses like procrastination and laziness.

There are some good things here though. My poor result also taught me to be more grateful in everything that I have. Yeah, I was upset,, but I can't be upset forever. I should be more thankful to God because He knows what is the best for us, His children. Although this poor result really made me down, it's probably the best way that God has prepared for me. If I never got this bad result, I would not really study and think too highly of myself. Also, I want to thank God for giving me super high marks for Malay. yay!!

I guess it's all for today. Until now, my head still ached thinking about my result. I hope time would heal the wounds.

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