Wednesday, July 14, 2010



yeah, that's the best word to describe these past two days. School just ended at 4pm yesterday and continued with Choir practice until 7pm. Today, we also had Choir from 330-7pm *big sigh* Fortunately, the practices were quite fun, kinda relaxing. Pink Panther song was quite epic and the nicest and sort of "tidiest" so far :p

Hm, I am getting more and more nervous about my result. Some people said we did terribly in this paper lah, the teachers said that the MSG very low ah *sigh* I don't want to imagine the D-Day (which is like the upcoming Friday :s) I am a bit relieved when my Chem teacher said that our class is "a bit" above average. I hope I did not fail Chem AND other subjects.

Oh yeah, heard that all Toshiba Portege has some problem with the recent Windows update, resulting in black-out or black screen or whatever it's called. So peeps, BACK UP YOUR DATA ASAP!! you surely do not want to lose all your pictures, musics, videos, movies and especially YOUR SCHOOL STUFF!! Do something in advance!!

So far, the Songs and MVs of the day still remain the "same" which means, I still like those songs and MVs lol. bbi-ri-bba-bba bbi-ri-bba-bba :p

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