Friday, July 30, 2010

30 July Weather Forecast: RAINY no STORM!!

Friday, 30 July 2010

It was 545am in the morning. Ms Lim came in to wake us up. Yeah, I was still tired because of accumulated fatigue from choir rehearsal. When I woke up, I was shocked as I could hardly speak. My throat is so painful that I almost could not make slightest noise.

This was not important actually. Here is the main thing. Annual Cross Country in West Coast was scheduled today. I went there around 7am with all my hall-mates by bus. After arriving at West Coast, we could see a bunch of dark clouds hanging there in the sky. At first, we did not really care about it. However, as time passed by, the clouds moved towards West Coast and stopped above us.

And TATA!! *sound effect* it started to rain. Drizzle turned to heavy downpour. The wind was very strong. All students and teachers tried to find concrete ground and good shelter. Apparently, tents provided by the school were not enough. The water started to invade us, making West Coast grand lawn flooded almost like Orchard Road one lol. I got drenched quite badly while making my way to West Coast McDonald. In there, it was damn crowded. Everyone started pushing each other. I did not what to do, my mind was like blank. I want to 'thank' my friends for ditching me in West Coast. If i did not meet Alvin, surely I would still be in West Coast, clueless. Alvin and I went back together, without umbrellas or cover or anything. Our shoes soaked damn badly, we both might catch cold, we got headache and sure, we lost our voice. Good, FOA was just about less than 50 hours.

Hence, it is justified to say that today's Annual Cross Country event was the most epic failed ever.

Monday, July 19, 2010

KpopKpopKpop :O

just randomly want to jot down all Kpop singers/groups that I like ah..

  1. SNSD
  2. Big Bang
  3. KARA
  4. Lee Hyori
  5. 2AM
  6. IU
  7. Lee Seung Gi
  8. 2NE1
  9. Super Junior
  10. Baek Ji Young
  11. K.Will
  12. SS501
  13. CN Blue
  14. 4Minute
  15. T-ara
  16. Kim Tae Woo and the rest of g.o.d
  17. 2PM
  18. SHINee
  19. Kim Jong Kook
  20. Secret
  21. Brown Eyed Girl
  22. Son Dam Bi
  23. Wonder Girls
  24. MC Mong
  25. S.E.S
Kpop JJANG ah :D

LIfe returns as per normal (ah, it sounds a bit . . .)


it's just another Monday. All laziness just accumulated from weekend. This term should be another busy term. English A1 IOP, Festival of Arts, EE Proposal thingy and TOK stuff. Not forgetting all the IAs and homeworks which will come SOON!! I am still a little bit sad because of my result. My mum still sms me, keep reminding me not to repeat my mistakes. All can I do to improve my result now is just learning my mistakes by heart and let Him lead me all the way until final exam.

There can be miracle, when you believe . . .
Of course, when you believe in HIM!!

Friday, July 16, 2010



I got back my Common Test result this morning. I have prepared for the worst. I could even utter a word nor cry when I saw my result. Yes, I am deeply disappointed with my result. This is my worst result ever (so far) and this is truly shocking. The bad result is not because the paper was hard. Some of my friends got very good result like 39 and even, 42! AND, this feeling came - regret. It haunted me wherever I was, blamed everything that led me to this poor result. I started to regret how I did not manage my time wisely during holiday, how I never listened to my mother's advice (to study hard and not to procrastinate) and how ignorant I am not to take Common Test seriously. However, it's all too late to regret something that has happened. My mom also has told me just now that it was too late to regret something in the past. She was upset, I can clearly tell from her voice. I felt damn bad as I can't make my mom happy. She scolded me for not being serious and never listened to her advices.

Now, I can just move on, prove myself (to my parents and to the world, yeah!) that I can do better next time. I MUST DO BETTER in upcoming Final Exam!! I only have around 11 more weeks to prepare the final exam. I can't afford any laziness, procrastination, carelessness or whatever. Die Die must get good marks for the final exam. I don't want to disappoint my mom anymore. I am done with nonsenses like procrastination and laziness.

There are some good things here though. My poor result also taught me to be more grateful in everything that I have. Yeah, I was upset,, but I can't be upset forever. I should be more thankful to God because He knows what is the best for us, His children. Although this poor result really made me down, it's probably the best way that God has prepared for me. If I never got this bad result, I would not really study and think too highly of myself. Also, I want to thank God for giving me super high marks for Malay. yay!!

I guess it's all for today. Until now, my head still ached thinking about my result. I hope time would heal the wounds.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



yeah, that's the best word to describe these past two days. School just ended at 4pm yesterday and continued with Choir practice until 7pm. Today, we also had Choir from 330-7pm *big sigh* Fortunately, the practices were quite fun, kinda relaxing. Pink Panther song was quite epic and the nicest and sort of "tidiest" so far :p

Hm, I am getting more and more nervous about my result. Some people said we did terribly in this paper lah, the teachers said that the MSG very low ah *sigh* I don't want to imagine the D-Day (which is like the upcoming Friday :s) I am a bit relieved when my Chem teacher said that our class is "a bit" above average. I hope I did not fail Chem AND other subjects.

Oh yeah, heard that all Toshiba Portege has some problem with the recent Windows update, resulting in black-out or black screen or whatever it's called. So peeps, BACK UP YOUR DATA ASAP!! you surely do not want to lose all your pictures, musics, videos, movies and especially YOUR SCHOOL STUFF!! Do something in advance!!

So far, the Songs and MVs of the day still remain the "same" which means, I still like those songs and MVs lol. bbi-ri-bba-bba bbi-ri-bba-bba :p

Monday, July 12, 2010

Annyeong Haseyo :D

Hi peeps,

Today is Monday, again. I was not feeling well in the morning. I got a pretty bad abdominal pain and made me a bit dead in school. To worsen the condition, there was Physics paper review. Pretty bad day huh. I almost spend all my school time today sleeping or enduring pain *big sigh*

However, it's not totally boring. During 1h20m Malay B Class, cikgu never came and so, we had our free time. Randomly, I asked Calvin to teach me Hangul (Korean alphabet). It is so interesting that I continued learning Hangul during prep time :D Now, I can read and write simple Hangul although sometimes I need to refer to my 'secret' notes lol. Hope that my journey in learning Korean will be smooth.

Songs of the day:
  1. Nagging - IU feat. 2AM Seulong
    IU's sweet cute voice and Seulong's awesome voice are perfect combination for a ballad song. Although the lyrics is somehow silly, they contain deep meaning and quite touching.
  2. Oh! - SNSD
    It's just catchy and the beat is not bad ah.
  3. bbi-ri-bba-bba - Narsha
    I derived the title from my fresh Hangul skill haha:D I found this song pretty good especially the chorus and bridge.
MVs of the day:
  1. Love Like This - SS501
    The choreography is ehm attractive. It's even sexier when Brian Joo performed this song (like in SBS Strong Heart)
  2. Mister - Kara in MBC Music Core [171009]
    Their pants glow in the dark. How can it be not sexy!! [171009]

Sunday, July 11, 2010

School life COMEBACK

Term 3 Common test has finished. I'm glad that I survived even though I have no confidence in my result *sigh* but, nevermind.

Today is supposedly the World Cup 2010 final: Nederland vs Spain.
I do support Nederland (since my other favourite teams - German and South Korea, have lost earlier in their journey). HOWEVER, so many people support Spain *boo*. One thing that made me crazy is PAUL , the psychic octopus. So far, that creature's prediction has been always correct. It even predicted the loss of Germany against Spain in semi-final few days ago. Still, I hope Nederland would win no matter what it said. Because of this, I want to eat all sotong, squid, baby octopus, tako or whatsoever that is related to that octopussy. Nederland hwaiting!!

Oh yeah, during weekend, I watched so many Kpop MVs and Reality show e.g SBS Strong Heart, KBS Invicible Youth. I become more and more addicted to Big Bang especially G-Dragon and this is all thanks to Sammy :D Here are my songs and MVs of the day

5 Songs of the day:
  1. Smile Boy 2010 - Lee Seung Gi
    Lee Seung Gi is still my favourite Kpop ballad singer and his voice is too angelic for me. Also, his sense of humor is definitely NOT bad at all. He can easily overthrow Ho Dong in SBS Strong Heart. really really admire him :)
  2. Try Smiling - Daesung
    This ballad song is epic win!! sung by the Daesung of Big Bang, the lyrics is so deep and almost made me cry. He really put emotion when singing this song.
  3. Don't Forget - Baek Ji Young
    One of nicest OST ever. I watched IRIS (again) with Ivan during school break and this song always turned up at the right time in the dramas. The lyrics is really romantic and touching, not for the weak-hearted ones.
  4. Lupin - Kara
    Aha, I suddenly remember this song after watching Strong Heart. I must admit this is the BEST Korean song in 2010 so far (even defeated SNSD :o). The beat is so nice that would make you want to dance even more.
  5. Love Like This - SS501
    This song is just catchy. After watching Brian Joo and SS501 performed in Strong Heart, I kept singing this song.

3 MVs/PERFs of the day:
  1. I Need A Girl (Dance Version) - Taeyang (Ft. G-Dragon)
  2. Always - Big Bang
    With the elegant shoot on the yacht and simple yet awesome dance in the middle of the road, Big Bang's Always still is one of the best MVs ever.
  3. Tell Me Your Wish + Gee - SNSD in MBC Gayo Dajeun [311209]
    They are all just pretty and the songs are big hit.