Friday, November 12, 2010


the day when I came to ACS for the first time is still like yesterday.
I can't believe myself I've stayed here for 3 years ++ and the my 3rd batch of juniors are coming already. means, my batch become the most senior in the boarding school. don't know if i should be happy or not. oh well, i'm glad to see them :D

in total, i think there are 38 new indo scholars from various cities e.g medan, bandung, surabaya (:D), malang, jakarta, bogor and bali. well, they are indeed still innocent. bet my friends and i looked like them when we first came. but time DOES change everyone, doesn't it? :)

my hall got 6 new guys. overall, they are nice lah. but its a bit awkward to chat with them :/ perhaps when i see them again next year, it wont be as awkward as before (they surely need to adapt with the language, lingo/slank used. must!)

the exciting, most anticipated event finally came, ORIENTATION *clap clap*
i felt proud of my juniors for organising this event well and in such detailed manner.
never expected that they can surpass the seniors' expectation. well done.
the clues are unique in their own way, not that easy to solve :D the fright-night-so-called amazing race was quite fun unless we got loss in the dark, creepy school area. they sure know how to make ppl sweat at night huh.
my group got no one from my hall. so yeah, i can get to know more juniors. haha. well, to be honest, they are better that the ones in my hall. sad to say, but thats the truth lah. they more or less resemble my friends (aha!) we even got the first runner-title lol NOT BAD NOT BAD :)
oh yeah, from this orientation, i kinda know more 2nd batch of juniors. you know, i missed the orientation last year due to hectic o level exam schedule. thanks god now i now some of them (still some only, but better than nothing right?

well, there are lots of stories but they are just too awesome to be explained in words. we've undergone all kind of hardships together since 3 years ago. wonder what we can't do together now. haha. let treasure all the memories that we've had so far and continue stay together like this.

ps: thanks for my batch who came down for orientation. we had fun - eko, clifford, calvin, steven, justin, anthony, sunson, happy, nico, toffler, james and the rest that somehow i forgot (not purposely forgetting you guys)

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