Friday, November 5, 2010

Last Day of School 2010 and November Feast :)

i really can't contain my excitement knowing today is the last day of school for Year 5 ACS(I) IB students. HAHAHAHAHAHA~

I am (I think) officially promoted since first, I met promotion criteria and second, I finished the requirements for both EE and TOK. woohoo~ However, I felt a bit sad as it means that today is my last day as year 5 student.

Year 5 IB has been a very wonderful academic year. It's a totally new experience for me. It is far more demanding, tough, challenging, hard, whatever it is, compared to secondary 4. O level is NOTHING (yeah, it's true.) It is quite true that there isn't really weekend for us for we need to do our work even during break.

However, from this year, I knew more about friendship, about the true nature of humankind. Beside doing in depth learning, I learn more about responsibility and time management. Truly, what you learn in IB here is invaluable.

This year's last PC lesson was sort of class party where our dearest CT/PCTs treated us pizza and other snacks and drinks. Glad that we managed to give a token of appreciation - farewell cards that we made just in the morning lol. I am a bit sad that most probably Mr. Pat soo and Lao shi Tang Jie cannot follow us to year 6 but OF COURSE, i will always remember them :)

Next, move on to November Feast :D
Tho it was not as great, I was satisfied in the sense that we, the year5 students, can relax after working hard in 2010. We played water bomb war, proven effective to release our stress.
The social night was ranked more awesome as beside the decent food, the performances were not bad, especially Kenneth and Hao Kai's band. woohoo!!

to conclude, as we ended 2010 academic curriculum,
We chatted
We sang
We played
We laughed
.. together

Adios year 5 2010, I will always miss this precious time. See you in year 6 next year.
(For people who still have focus camp, hwaiting! you can do it, kay)

PS: oh man, my whole body ache :O

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