Friday, November 5, 2010

3rd Anniversary Indo Scholars' Batch AND OG10 (Reunion :p) Dinner

5/11/2010 was a freaking AWESOME Day :)
I think the saying TGIF its true anyway

3rd Anniversary - Indo scholars' Batch

we went to Vivo first for lunch first.
Having KFC was never be a wrong choice. worth of the money lol
Going to Sentosa, literally damn crowded. packed like sardine.
Knowing today was Deepavali, i saw domineering number of Indians everywhere :)
i was joyful to the max to see my friends, who are now scattered in SAJC, IJC and SIM :D
Such a great reunion hahaha~

We decided to go to siloso beach (idk why though :p)
Did a lot of stuff like playing frisbee, football and american football :D
really enjoyed the games.
the weather was not bad - not so hot, but no sign of raining as well.
After the games, we decided to go to the sea, SWIMMING TIME.
yeah, kinda rocks!
i got lifted and thrown to the sea. totally SOAKED arrghh~
(i had no idea how they did that. they sure have built their muscle well :p)
camwhoring session was the highlight!!

its such a joyful feeling to have a reunion after final year exam and for IB peeps, after school literally ends for this year. We can (re)bond again with our friends, who had undergone hardships and made tough decision to come to Singapore. 3 years are not a short time period, I'd say. However, all the works, assignments, exams, not forgetting the happy chat time, hanging out and jamming sessions have made these 3 years fly so fast.

I would like to use this time to thank all my friends, who have been with me all these time, from 2007-2010. I would like to thank
  1. Ivan William who has been a great roommate over past few years. You are indeed a role-model student. Having you as roommate and schoolmate, I learn so many important skills from you e.g time management, how to organise stuff, being neat etc. We have undergone more and less same path, from o level track to IB through DSA and yeah, WE ROCK!!
  2. Heizel :D Thanks for being a super ultra duper awesome friend this year. Yeah as you know, we were not this close in secondary school. but, having you as OGmate and classmate, we are almost always together in school. You are indeed an exemplary student who does show me the work and mercy of God in our lives.
    Thanks for being an helpful friend who readily help me when I face difficulty.
    Thanks for being a cheerful, cool person. I think we have same frequency of lameness :)
    Thanks for everything you have done~
  3. Glorious Matthew Oh man, I am speechless. No one can beat you in term of your maturity, wisdom (hm, yeah) especially when it comes to friendship. You have been a great classmate, hallmate, buddy for past few years. Your jokes never fail to amuse me, your advices always help me to improve. METEWWWWWWWWWWW~
  4. the rest of you :p Sorry guys, its not like I dont want to thank you one by one (but its just too many of you :/) You all have impacted my life in different ways. We had fun and hard times together. Thanks from those experiences, I can learn many useful and precious things in my life :)

OG 10 (Reunion) Dinner

it's supposed to be a farewell dinner for one of our og-mate, Sai.
we managed to gather, like almost ten people, to go have dinner together.
the weird thing, Sai didnt come.
oh well, although the farewell party fail, og dinner must go on. yeah!
Attendance: 8/27
Kenta, Heizel, Lim Heng, Alex Lee, Clement, Matthew, De Zhong and ME :D
Having mouth-watering dinner at Aston Specialties. the food was DELICIOUS!!
then we went starbucks, bought drinks, chatted, updated ourselves with the latest news and rumours in our school. Having yummy Frolick yogurt with De Zhong, yay!! It's quite rare for 8 guys to talk non-stop for one hour plus. the topics discussed include couples in school, grades and school staffs (refer: teacher lol) HAHAHA kinda fun to have this kind of conversation~
Going back with Heizel and Kenta, continue talking non-stop along the way back. Oh man, I can't believe that Kenta got so many things to say after not chatting with him for err 6 months? lol WTP, its seriously fun to chat with friends. Although this (mini) OG outing was considerably short, I REALLT DID enjoy spending my time with them. I hope this won't be our last OG outing or whatsoever. OG 10 Aphrodite ROCKS TO THE MAX~

PS: my body still ache. even worse. haha. but the overwhelming fun and excitement kinda nullified it. time to rest. and yeah, need to catch up with my k-drama. die die must watch lor. hmm, the y6 looks quite ok with the math paper. oh well, their last 3 math papers for most of them. envy them. later after lunch got SUNDAY treat in swensens *faint*

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, saw this post two years too late haha anyways it's better than nothing! Thanks for being a super awesome classmate as well! Through the up and down, we somehow managed to get out of IB alive together. Wish you luck in uni and keep in touch!! :)
